21 Dec 2011

Create a Powerful Twitter Brand Page using Twylah

By Ajinkya at Blog404:
I got a Twylah page around 2 months ago when it was initially launched in beta . I wanted to write review on it but i just forgot during that time . And now when i see some good traffic coming from this page i couldn’t stop writing about it ! So here it goes ….
Twylah is a cool and powerful FREE Twitter Tool to build Your Twitter Brand plus Gain Followers enabling a 30x deeper engagement with your desired audience . This is the 1st of its kind where it simply beats all of the social media tools targeted at getting a piece of the Twitter pie. It has lotsa amazing features which are simply hard to resist. Moreover it displays the best of Your Tweets in a Visually Appealing Manner . The Twylah page has a crisp, clear design (sort of like Paper.li, but with just your own tweets) .
The Working :

Using Twylah is as simple as signing in via Twitter and waiting for your Profile to generate. You can retweet or reply from the Twylah page and you can also send a Power Tweet from the top menu. This means sending a tweet which will automatically have its own Twylah page. All Twylah pages within your profile include your Twitter bio, a Facebook Like button, a tweet button and a follow button so that people who see the page can connect with you and share your content easily through the major social networking platforms.

Followers who click on the shortened URL on Twitter, will be directed to a special landing page on Twylah that displays the content in a snippet view, along with related comments on that topic. Moreover you can search older Tweets Using Keywords which is a feature not much of the apps provide . You can search for older tweets from a month or week past. That’s why your tweets therefore don’t become irrelevant after a short period or get lost in the countless other tweets of others and everything proceeds in rhythm. You can get information on the number of retweets, replies, clicks, and more.
Design and Visual Appeal :

They say “Twylah converts your tweets into a landing page” . Now as you can see , the top nav displaying categories you most often tweet about. This provides an elegant choice to your Visitors and they no longer have to read tweets as a stream of flowing information. They can easily browse through your tweets based on their category of interest in a more engaging manner. Moreover it also displays photos attached to your tweets, videos and a brief instant preview of your tweet link’s contents. You get the true engagement with your fans and a real brand presence out of the tweets you are already creating.

I like it better than bare bone twitter stream as it makes me feel more like traditional blogging. I am sure a lot of people will like it as it more visual and appealing to browse. If you’re a blogger who’s active on Twitter, then this could be a great tool for you.
SEO benefits :

This is astonishing feat i love . You can drive Twitter Traffic Directly from your Twylah Page ! You don’t have to keep switching from your Twitter page to your Twylah page. You can get all your Twitter followers to communicate with you on your very own branded page and even follow people directly from your Twylah page. Visitors can also like pages from within your Twylah page

Since your tweets are displayed on a separate page, your Tweets become SEO optimized [Google will automatically index your Twylah page] and become more easily searchable on search engines like Google, Yahoo , Bing, and so others. Twylah’s analytics will also show what you tweet about, the timelines you tweet and how your audience engages with each of your tweet categories.

Twylah lets you create your page on your own domain which is a nice way to get readers stay on your site longer.

Its fun to hook your Twylah page into your own domain, so that effectively it’s part of your site [a sub-domain would be awesome]. After a little bit of tweaking, my Twylah page now appears on tweets.blog404.com. It gives a more rounded picture of what my Twitter followers can expect.No doubt Twylah aims to give a new view of incoming and outgoing tweets with more “context, perspective, and agility”.
How to set up your own custom domain mapped Twylah ?
Signup at twylah.com
Set up your sub-domain
Once you have your domain name registered, follow the instructions given there on how to create a sub-domain for Twylah
After that , email customdomains@twylah.com to let them know you have created a sub-domain and specify your Twitter handle in the message .
The crew at Twylah will then confirm the domain mapping process and complete their work and within no time you would get your own setup Twitter Brand Page

Conclusion :

Twylah looks like a really cool web app and its FREE . If you are looking to create a custom landing page for your business or brand with your Twitter followers then I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t create one ! It has many awesome features with more good things to come.

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