1 Jan 2012

Nearly 20 Million People Read Google’s Blog In 2011, Google Now Has 4 Million Twitter Followers

By Leena Rao at TechCrunch:
In terms of regularly posting news, Google has been one of the more frequent bloggers out of most of the major technology giants, often forgoing releasing press releases in favor of posting on the company’s blog. And Google’s blog is probably one of the most visited company blogs in general. So it’s interesting to see data on how many visitors Google’s blog sees and which posts drew the most traffic. In fact, looking back on 2011, Google has been more prolific on its blog than any previous year. The search giant published a number of stats today on how many posts were published via the company blog, number of visits, most popular posts, and most popular posts on Google+.

In 2011, Google published 471 posts, which is 17 more than 2010. The company’s main blog saw 19,905,679 unique visitors between January 1 and December 31, 2011. The post that saw the most traffic was one that recognized the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001 with 1,731,280 unique pageviews. And this post was linked to from Google’s search portal, which helped draw increased traffic.

The next most popular post was the piece announcing Google+ in June (909,537 unique pageviews); followed by “Microsoft’s Bing uses Google search results—and denies it” (538,764 unique pageviews) and Google’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility in August. (431,366 unique pageviews).

Other highly trafficked and read posts including the new homepage and Gmail design (352,254 unique pageviews); an announcement of bringing games to Google+ (265,995 unique pageviews); the disintegration of Google Labs (310,912 unique pageviews); 2-step verification for Google accounts (281,385 unique pageviews); the debut of Google+ pages for brands and businesses;

(237,467 unique pageviews); the change in Google’s ranking algorithm to improve search result quality (258,974 unique pageviews); Larry Page’s takeover as CEO; patents and Android, and the debut of Google Wallet.

Google also reveals that it is now operating 22 pages for Google products and teams on Google+; and nearly 100,000 users have the company’s main page +Google, in their circles. The company’s most popular posts on Google+ include photos of Google’s LA office, the year-end Zeitgeist, Google Photography Prize and Sebastian Thrun on self-driving cars. In contrast, on Twitter, @Google now has 4 million followers, with the most popular Tweets in 2011 including those on patents and Android, the Motorola acquisition, Larry and Sergey remembering Steve Jobs, Google Wallet, Google+ and Wael Ghonim

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