22 Apr 2014

#INFOGRAPHIC: Guide for Small Businesses on Facebook

By Mona Zhang at SocialTimes:  

For small business owners, launching a social media presence can be a daunting task. Which platforms should I be on? How much time and money should I be investing? And, of course, the ever-vexing question: What’s my ROI?

Step one is to decide which social platforms to invest in. Here’s some advice from Peter Friedman, whose guest post on SocialTimes can help you figure out which sites make the most sense for your business:

When companies worry about overextending themselves on social, I tell them to start out in one channel rather than spread themselves too thin. Different channels also lend themselves to different levels of interaction. Twitter is primarily experienced as a newsfeed, constantly streaming by, so conversations tend to happen in real-time. Meanwhile, Facebook’s page format supports asynchronous communication, so it may be a better choice if you don’t have full-time resources for social. Get to know each of the platforms and how various brands are using them before you commit to a direction for your company.

If you’ve decided that Facebook is the right platform for your company, this guide for small businesses on Facebook can help you get started:

Are you a small business owner thinking about setting up a facebook page? Don’t know where to start? Check out our step-by-step guide. (via SimplyBusiness).

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