22 Oct 2011

STUDY: The Popularity Of Social Networks Throughout The World

If there’s one thing that social networking services can do, it’s embarrass politicians. If there’s another, its that they can bring together people from all over the world and allow them to communicate with each other in a way that was not possible in previous generations.
Some networks are more popular than others in certain countries and Royal Pingdom has studied data to view the countries in which certain services are more popular than others. Google search statistics were used to compile the data and search results from the last 90 days were used.
The study covered 11 social services including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Foursquare. It was found that Facebook is most popular in Turkey and Venezuela; Twitter is most popular in Venezuela and Brazil; and Google+ is most popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong. It should be pointed out that the stats included in the analysis don’t reflect the number of users of a service in each country, but merely indicate how popular social networks are based on how often people search for them.
The U.S. is in the top 5 countries for LinkedIn, Tumblr and MySpace search frequency; the U.K. is in the top 5 for LinkedIn and Bebo; and Brazil is in the top 5 for Twitter, Orkut, Tumblr and Bebo. Meanwhile, Venezuela and Turkey are in the top 5 for both Facebook and Twitter.

Interest in Facebook

The 5 countries with the highest level of interest in Facebook are Turkey, Venezuela, Tunisia, Colombia and Dominican Republic. Taking a look at a map of global hotspots reveals that the social network is especially popular in Latin America and countries in the Mediterranean.

Interest in Twitter

Venezuela took the top spot for countries that are most interested in Twitter, followed by Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey and El Salvador. Again, there is a strong level of interest among Latin American countries in Twitter, but it seems to be searched for more often in North America than Facebook is (bear in mind, many people access the Facebook website directly rather than by searching for it).

Interest in LinkedIn

The countries that have the highest level of interest in LinkedIn are the Netherlands, India, the U.K., Singapore and the U.S. It also appears to be searched for regularly in Canada and Australia.

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