17 Mar 2012

INFOGRAPHIC: How To Train Your Employees To Manage Your Social Media

Social media consultants can be an expensive addition to your business. But in this day and age, no company can operate without a sound social plan. Despite the swanky pitches you may receive from pros, your best social media team might actually be your current workforce. But how can you find your company's natural social media rockstars and get your entire team on board with your goals?
This infographic from Mindflash provides tips and advice on identifying and educating employees to manage your social media outposts. The money stat? Despite the obvious risks, 76 percent of companies do not have a clearly defined social media policy in place.

by Mindflash.

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  1. This info graphic give a lot of seo not only employee to manage the social media.

  2. Having a company policy about personal social media use is interesting and touchy. However, there are good suggestions in the infographic. The recent news of some companies requesting employees' passwords to social networks is crossing a line, in my opinion.
