22 Jun 2012

INFOGRAPHIC: How Badly Do We Behave on Social Media?

Where have you seen the most offensive stuff – Reddit, YouTube or Facebook? I’m sure most of you would guess YouTube, where people are hidden behind anonymous IDs and have zero reason to hold back on their worst thoughts. A great social experiment will one day be done comparing our sentiment on the various social networks, but until that day we have a smart study by Salesforce Rypple which looks at our behavior on social media.
There are a few shockers – 44% of adults encounter “mean or cruel behavior” on social networks “once in a while,” while 41% of teens will “sometimes” tell an offensive person to stop when they see the activity. Most uplifting is that 79% of teens will never join in the mean or offensive behavior once it’s started. There are some good stats in here, and thanks to Rypple for the insight.

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