15 Jun 2013

#INFOGRAPHIC: #Tumblr By The Numbers

In light of Tumblr’s recent acquisition, I thought it would be interesting to see what Yahoo! was paying $1.1 Billion for. In short, it’s a ton of traffic. I’m excited to see what kinds of advertising products and targeted tools it releases as it moves to monetize the site. Since its inception in 2007, Tumblr has grown to boast over 185 million monthly visitors. This makes it the 31st most popular website in the world. And it’s more than just teenagers posting cat GIFs. Many brands, especially in the fashion industry, have adopted Tumblr as its blogging platform of choice. It’s built-in “Follow” and sharing mechanisms make it easy for content to spread. And its Explore page makes trending content easy to be found. The following infographic shows who is on Tumblr and how they’re using the site.

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