2 Oct 2013

Apple Owns 10% Of All US Corporate Reserves

Analysis by Moody’s has revealed that Apple now owns 10% of all US corporate cash held by non-financial companies.

Apple’s massive pile of cash has been growing steadily for a long time, despite Apple’s dividend program, which began in March of last year, and a $10 billion share buyback program. Tim Cook has already announced that Apple plans to distribute $100 billion from its reserves through 2015. Yet despite this, Apple is still making more money than it’s spending.

Apple’s funds at the end of the June quarter measured $146.6 billion, compared to the US corporate total of $1.48 trillion. Apple’s 10% share is in stark contrast to rivals Google and Microsoft, who along with Cisco and Pfizer account for a further 15 percent.

Via Today's iPhone

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