25 Mar 2014

#Buzz: 10 Signs You’re A Content Marketer

By Bailey Koharchick at Buzzfeed

Community manager, social media specialist, whatever. Call it what you want, you’re marketing the $h*t out of that company content.

1. Everyone thinks they can do your job.

Seeing college resumes that say “proficient in Facebook” makes you LOL.

2. Sending out a Facebook post that’s grammatically incorrect will open the floodgates for internet trolls.

Annnnnd your life is over.

3. Your family has no idea what you do.

What you say: “I curate content and help establish brand awareness through social media and other digital channels.” 
What they hear: “Glibbity-globbity and blip-blop-bloop through blah-bleep and bleep-bloop-boop.”

4. You spend 30% of your day creating Blocks on Bloxi.

And 20% taking them. 
“Beer is the 3rd most popular drink in the world? Not in my house…”

5. You become desperate when someone else already owns the profile name you want and they won’t give it up.


6. Celeb retweets are the greatest thing to ever happen.


7. You’re always terrified you’ll post something personal from the company account

Oh God…

8. You occasionally have to fight with the developers over the importance of having a social bar on every page.

Why do we need social media? Because no one will play with your website if we don’t f**king promote it. That’s why.

9. You say things like “ping me”, “hashtag it”, and “our likes are up”…

And you don’t realize that people think you’re joking.
Because you’re not.

10. You’re never really “off work”

10pm and someone in Indonesia wants to engage on Twitter? #tweetchat

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