17 Mar 2014

#INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Lessons for Social Customer Service

By Mona Zhang at Social Times

We know that companies are notoriously bad at handling customer service over social-media platforms. With a huge increase in customers turning to social channels to communicate, businesses should be focusing more and more resources to handle the demand.

Social-media engagement platform Sentiment made an infographic about what social can learn from traditional customer service. In a blog post, the company detailed some other insights about social customer service:

- Seventy percent of businesses will be using social for customer service by mid-2014.
- Fifty-seven percent of customers think that a brand’s customer service response time should be the same on weekdays and weekends.
- Fifty-three percent of people who engage with a brand on twitter expect a response in one hour or less.
- Sixty-five percent of customers feel frustration if they have to contact a company multiple times for the same reason.
- Ninety-four percent of top performing brands are monitoring and actively looking to reduce problem resolution time.

Check out the full infographic below, and see more tips for social media and customer service here.

10 Lessons for Social Customer Service
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