4 Mar 2014

#INFOGRAPHIC: LinkedIn: Refferrals Make A Difference

Agree or disagree, but finding a job after college is really more about networking with the right people than applying for countless jobs. When you consider that most jobs are not even advertised, the value of networking becomes evident.

In fact, Lou Adler, author of Performance-based Hiring, suggests that job-seekers apply a 20/20/60 approach:

- 20% of job search time responding job postings through a backdoor (via referrals) instead of the front door (applying through a form or sending in a resume).

- 20% enhancing your resume and LinkedIn profile for findability and readbility.

- 60% networking the hidden market for jobs.

In addition, he claims that candidates who are “referred to a hiring manager by a trusted person is 50-100x more likely” to get an interview and get hired than those who simply submit a resume to a posted job. The referred person also has the advantage of being considered for jobs not publicly posted.

This Infographic is published by DegreeQuery.

Source: DegreeQuery.com

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