5 Mar 2014

Android Accounted for 97% of All Mobile Malware in 2013

Back in 2012, Android accounted for 79 percent of all mobile malware. Last year, that number ballooned even further to 97 percent.

Both those data points come from security firm F-Secure, which today released its 40-page Threat Report for the second half of 2013. Here is how bad the situation has become:

More specifically, Android malware rose from 238 threats in 2012 to 804 new families and variants in 2013. Apart from Symbian, F-Secure found no new threats for other mobile platforms last year.

That being said, it’s worth examining what this means to the average Android users. Here are two points F-Secure underlined:

- Android threats are primarily a non-US problem — Of the top 10 countries reporting Android malware detections to F-Secure’s systems in the second half of 2013, 75 percent of the reports originated from Saudi Arabia and India; in comparison, the five European countries in the list combined only accounted for a little over 15 percent of reported detections.

- Despite the extreme focus of malware authors on the Android platform, F-Secure believes it would be incorrect to say that “Google hasn’t been actively making efforts to increase the security of the Android platform.”

You can see the first point broken down by country below. Aside from Saudi Arabia and India, the US and Finland were the next big targets with 5 percent of reports coming from each, followed by many more European countries.

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